Selasa, 21 April 2009

UTS Rino

A businessman sell wallet. And the businessman has an opportunity to receive $300 two year from now. If he can earn 6% on his sale in the normal course of events, what is the most she should pay now for this opportunity?

We can know :
FV1 = $300, n = 2 and i = 0.06

PV = FVn/( 1 + i )^n

Answer :
PV = $300/(( 2 + 0.06 ))^2
= $70.7
The value today (“present value”) of $300 received two year from today, given an opportunity cost of 5% is $70.7

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009


P e r s o n a l D e t a i l s

Current Address: Jl. H no.22 004/009 Kebon Baru, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan
Place/Date of Birth: Jakarta, 09 February1990
Phone: 021 - 8311921
Mobile: 085692312917
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Indonesian

E d u c a t i o n a l B a c k g r o u n d

Name of Institute
University: University of Trisakti, Informatics Engineering
Senior High School: SMU N 37 Jakarta
Junior High School: SMP N 23 Bekasi
Elementary School: SD N 01 Jatiasih,Bekasi

I n f o r m a l E d u c a t i o n
Name of Institute

Binus:Static Web Programming with XHTML
Binus:Dynamic Web Programming with PHP
Binus:Client Scripting With JavaScript

T e c h n i c a l S k i l l s
Programming Languages & Web Design
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Frontpage
Visual C++, borland
Adobe Photoshop,CorelDraw
Bussiness software
Microsoft Office 2007, XP (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage), Open Office.
OS & Environments
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux Fedora.
English and Indonesia

S e m i n a r s and T r a i n i n g s
2007 Seminar E-Government
2007 Seminar Pemanfaatan Telematika dalam pengembangan koperasi dan IKM
2008 Seminar IT Smart with Future Technology
2008 Seminar Inkubator Bisnis Industri Kreatif Telematika di Jakarta

I n t e r e s t s
Listening music, reading book about computer,Reading comic, and watching the movie.

I declare the details stated is true and complete.

Yours faithfully,

Sinarino Wicaksono